Hauser Family Law

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Divorce Decree Modification Attorney in Boulder City, Nevada

Divorce Decree Modifications in Boulder City, NV

Divorce decrees are the legal documentation of a marriage’s termination passed down by the courts in Nevada. Divorce decrees differ from one marriage to another and contain obligations and rights of the individuals involved. Although though divorce decrees are permanent, they can later be modified if needed. It is not unheard of that situations may change, and an ex-spouse requests a modification to the decree. Issues like physical relocation, income, or children’s needs can all be circumstances for divorce decree modifications.

The US legal system should never be a do-it-yourself process. If you want to make changes to your divorce decree, you need an attorney, who specializes in family law in Nevada on your side. If you need to make changes to your divorce decree, or your former spouse is petitioning for changes contact Hauser Family Law. Our firm can help you in Boulder City, with any divorce decree modifications you are facing.

Changes of Circumstances

For modifications to a divorce decree; there must be a chronicled and documented change of circumstances for those involved. It is always possible to adjust terms in a divorce as needed, even though a decree is legally binding. Such as, when child custody is a factor in your divorce, and one of the parents will be moving out of state. That change will need to be documented in the divorce decree. When making any changes to the child custody arrangement, there must be legal documentation in a decree. That way, going forward, agreements can be defined, understood and met.

Spousal support, or alimony, can be modified in a divorce decree as well. A modification would be considered when there is a change of income amount to either party in the divorce. Through proper petitioning with the courts, both the amount of support being paid and the duration of payments can be altered.

The best way to ensure your petition is properly filed with the Nevada courts is, with the attorneys from Hauser Family Law.

Modify a Divorce Decree

Modifications to a divorce decree can be requested as soon as the divorce has been established with the courts. Petitions that are made within six weeks of a divorce being finalized are viewed with suspicion and not considered urgent. That holding period is for the understanding of the courts in Nevada. When petitioning for modifications to a divorce decree, the burden of proof is always required from the petitioner.

Boulder City Divorce Decree Modification Lawyer

If you need to have your divorce decree modified in Boulder City, NV, or if your former spouse is filing a petition for modification or facing child custody and divorce-related issues in Boulder City, Nevada, our team of experienced attorneys at Hauser Family Law is here to provide you with the legal support and guidance you need. We are committed to helping you navigate the complexities of family law to ensure the best outcome for you and your loved ones. Contact us today for a free consultation at 702-867-8313. Your future and the well-being of your family are our top priorities

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